・firewalldでのssh port追加
$ sudo vi /etc/ansible/conoha-test/01-initial.yml - hosts: conoha-test vars_files: - /etc/ansible/conoha-test/vars/initial.yml become: no remote_user: root tasks: - name: libselinux-pythonインストール yum: name=libselinux-python state=present - name: SELinix状態確認 shell: getenforce register: selinix_result changed_when: false - name: SELinux無効化 selinux: state=disabled when: selinix_result.stdout != "Disabled" - name: hostname確認 shell: grep {{ hname }} /etc/hostname register: hostname_contents changed_when: false failed_when: false - name: hostname変更 shell: echo {{ hname }} >/etc/hostname when: hostname_contents.stdout.find("{{ hname }}") == -1 - name: SELinix無効化後再起動 shell: sleep 2s && shutdown -r now async: 1 poll: 0 when: selinix_result.stdout != "Disabled" - name: Server再起動開始待機 local_action: wait_for host={{ inventory_hostname }} port=22 state=stopped when: selinix_result.stdout != "Disabled" - name: Server起動待機 local_action: wait_for host={{ inventory_hostname }} port=22 delay=30 when: selinix_result.stdout != "Disabled" - name: hosts.allow追加 lineinfile: > dest=/etc/hosts.allow line="sshd : {{ hssh }}" - name: hosts.deny追加 lineinfile: > dest=/etc/hosts.deny line="sshd : ALL" - name: rootのalias(dir)設定 lineinfile: > dest=/root/.bashrc line="alias dir='ls -al --color=auto'" - name: rootのalias(dir)設定 lineinfile: > dest=/root/.bashrc line="alias dir='ls -al --color=auto'" - name: EPELインストール yum: name=epel-release state=present - name: REMIインストール yum: name="http://rpms.famillecollet.com/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm" - name: ユーザー追加 user: name={{ uname }} password={{ upass }} uid={{ uid }} state=present - name: alias(dir)設定 lineinfile: > dest=/home/{{ uname }}/.bashrc line="alias dir='ls -al --color=auto'" state=present - name: sudo確認 shell: grep {{ uname }}$'\t'ALL=\(ALL\)$'\t'ALL /etc/sudoers register: sudo_result # failed_when: sudo_result.rc not in [ 0, 1 ] ignore_errors: true changed_when: false - name: sudo追加 shell: sed -i -e 's/root\tALL=(ALL) \tALL/&\n{{ uname }}\tALL=(ALL)\tALL/g' /etc/sudoers when: sudo_result.stdout.find("{{ uname }}") == -1 - name: publicキー登録 authorized_key: user={{ uname }} key="{{ lookup('file', ukeypath) }}" state=present - name: publicキー登録 authorized_key: user={{ uname }} key="{{ lookup('file', ukeypath) }}" state=present - name: Port番号変更 lineinfile: dest=/etc/ssh/sshd_config regexp="^#Port 22" line="Port {{ sshport }}" state=present backrefs=yes #regexpでマッチされない場合は追加しない - name: rootログイン拒否 lineinfile: dest=/etc/ssh/sshd_config regexp="^#PermitRootLogin yes" line="PermitRootLogin no" state=present backrefs=yes #regexpでマッチされない場合は追加しない - name: Password認証拒否 lineinfile: dest=/etc/ssh/sshd_config regexp="PasswordAuthentication yes" line="PasswordAuthentication no" state=present backrefs=yes #regexpでマッチされない場合は追加しない - name: firewalldインストール yum: name=firewalld state=present - name: firewalld起動 service: name=firewalld enabled=yes state=started - name: ssh port追加 firewalld: permanent=true port="{{ sshport }}/tcp" state=enabled # "enabled" of "disabled" - name: DMZのssh削除 firewalld: permanent=true zone=dmz service=ssh state=disabled # "enabled" of "disabled" - name: EXTERNALDMZのssh削除 firewalld: permanent=true zone=external service=ssh state=disabled # "enabled" of "disabled" - name: homeのssh削除 firewalld: permanent=true zone=home service=ssh state=disabled # "enabled" of "disabled" - name: internalのssh削除 firewalld: permanent=true zone=internal service=ssh state=disabled # "enabled" of "disabled" - name: firewalld再起動 service: name=firewalld state=restarted - name: sshd再起動 service: name=sshd state=restarted
$ sudo ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/conoha-test/01-initial.yml -k SSH password: